13 Always n Forever...

13 Always n Forever...

Friday, December 31, 2010

happy new year...

pejam celik,pejam celik,dh habis tahun 2010..rse nye mcm baru je smlm aku smbt thn 2010..tup2,dh masuk tahun 2011.cepat betul masa berjalan..xsedar pon..

ape2 pon,aku nak ucapkan selamat tahun baru 2011 kepada semua warga Malaysia..semoga tahun 2011 ni memberi jutaan kebahagian kepada kita semua..wahhh... :p
selamat tinggal 2010..banyak kenangan pahit manis sepanjang tahun 2010 ni..yang pahit,x perlulah kita ingat dan tinggalkan je dlm 'folder' 2010.. :p yang manis 2,haruslah diingat sampai akhir hayat ye..hihi...

azam tahun ni??? ermm...perlu ke tkr azam setiap kali masuk tahun baru??bile2 pon kite boleh ade azam kn..azam aku?? nth la..tak terfikir la plak..hehe...x reti la nak pasang2 azam ni..takut x tercapai@termakbul lak azam 2..keciwa nnt.hehe...yg pntg,setiap apa yg aku or kite semua buat tu berjalan dengan lancar dan diberkati..
harap2 'folder' untuk tahun ni terisi dengan benda2 baik dn manis je la..insyaAllah...amin....


Monday, December 27, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

selamat hari isnin!!!kembali menjalankan tugas2 sebagai kuli..hahaha...ngntok gile hari ni..penat yang amat2.mane taknye.dari ari jumaat smpai ahad,bz memanjang pasal kenduri kawen zila ni..hadoiyaiii..penat kot dok ngangkung..bukan ngankung mintak nombor ek..ngangkung cuci bontot kuali.haha..leceh la kenduri2 ni..kalo kawen 2,nikah je boleh tak..??penat r nk kemas2 balik..hehehe...

selamat dah akak aku yang sorg 2 kawen.sekali lafaz je..pantas tol awey 2..mesti malam 2 dah dok hafal skrip.hahaha..bertambah lg ahli keluarga aku.. :p meriah lagi la umh pak brahim ngn cik amah.lepas ni sape lak la yg akan join family yg gilo2 ni.huhu...

tgk dorg pny wedding,x sangka lak.boleh kate meriah gak la "pesta" dorg 2..huhu..mne la die korek duit.hehe..tgk wedding 2,pening gak pale aku memikirkan cmne nak simpan duit kwen ni..haha..mau riban2 gak abis kalo nk kwen..xde sape2 yg sudi nk menyemonser wedding aku nnt ke???haha...

aiseymen...ingt nk upload gambar td..usb leh lak xde..cmno ni..xpe r.esok2 la upload ek..esok??? ckp psl esok..hooreeyyyyyyy!!! bank mcm nk diisi je esok..huhu..kawan2,kazen2ku sekalian,marilah kite memenuhkan wayang dimana2.mcm dh lame x jejakkn kaki kt cinema..huhu..tp cm bese la ek..sendiri2..huhu...bulan ni kene smpn skit la..si dia nak dtg sni!!! x sbr mau jumpa...kepada SYAHIRAH,ape2 info berkenaan si dia,sila lapor kepada saya ya..huhuuu..can't wait 2 see u!!! :p muaahhhh!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

hari yg ditunggu....

first of all n wish happy bufday to my beloved mom..semoga mak dimurahkan rezeki,dipjgkn usia dan dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik..syg mak!! <3 dan sempena tarikh 24hb Dec ini juga,akan berlangsunglah majlis pernikahan kakak aku yg sengal lagi mental...NURZILA IBRAHIM..haha..kwen gak ko..aman skit dunia..hahahaha...akak aku kwen hari ni,aku leh lak keje kn..bgs pny nana..nak buat cmne,tugas dh memanggil.tp nsb baik half day je..kejap2 lg aku balik ek..huhu..
lps ni,tinggal 3 lg je la anak dara kt umh 2..2 lagi "anak dara" pak brahim ngn makcik amah dh xde.haha...lps ni sape plak la yg akan jadi mangsa pertanyaan makcik2 aku..adakah aku...?? adakah liya...??? yan??? mmg x la!! blaja pon x abis lg.huhu...
esok,25 Dec,majlis persandingan lak..kepada kwn2 ku yg dh dijemput 2,x kire la gune sms ke,fb ke...WAJIB DATANG...bleh buat reunion skali..hehe..pnt aku plan reunion ni.. :p
dh la..cm mls je nk tulis pjg2..kejeku dh memanggil ni..daaaaa....

oppsss...lupe lak..


*peace no war..hahaha

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gave me 2 different tears
After all these years
Tears of joy, tears of pain
Like sunshine and rain
So I hate you...
So I love you...
So I hate you...
So I love you...
I'm try to figure out how to move on with my life
Without you by my side
Wakin up with teary eyes,
I can't do this no more, gotta erase you now
So I think of all the pain you've given me
Try to look at all the damage you've done to me
No matter how hard I try,
I just can't figure out why
I keep thinking bout how sweet you used to be
Gave me 2 different tears
After all these years
Tears of joy, tears of pain
Like sunshine and rain
So I hate you
(But the love you gave me was so so good)
So I love you
(But the pain you gave me was so so bad)
I'm cryin over you, still what does this mean?
Do I still want you back in my life?
After all these painful things you've done to me
Why is it so hard to realize?
So I think of all the pain you've given me
Try to look at all the damage you've done to me
But the harder that I fight,
You come closer in my sight,
And I'm thinking of how sweet it could have been, oh no~
Gave me 2 different tears
After all these years
Tears of joy, tears of pain
Like sunshine and rain
So I hate you
(But the love you gave me was so so good)
So I love you
(But the pain you gave me was so so bad)
Why do I still feel this way
When I know there's nothing left to say
Shouldn't have ever loved you in the first place
Wanna erase you without a trace
Try to tell myself that I need to hate you
For the pain that you put me thorough
But I... For some reason why
Still miss you no matter how hard I try
Gave me 2 different tears
After all these years
Tears of joy, tears of pain
Like sunshine and rain
So I hate you
(But the love you gave me was so so good)
So I love you
(But the pain you gave me was so so bad)
Gave me 2 different tears
After all these years
Tears of joy, tears of pain
Like sunshine and rain
So I hate you
(But the love you gave me was so so good)
So I love you
(But the pain you gave me was so so bad)~

The moment I blink again, you check it out!
Stop staring at the girls passing by
Acting like you’re not, acting like you didn’t hear, your fake laughter
Everything, everything, everything is weird
How about being a little more nice to me?
Your cold words hurt me a lot
I'm beginning to get used to it
I really hate this. I'm really upset about everything, everything, everything
Where are you looking?
I'm right here
Because of you, my heart wears armor
Now, i'm going to oppose you
Your arrows are trouble, trouble, trouble.
You've targeted me. You shoot, shoot, shoot.
I laugh, laugh, laugh
Your words, full of poison, leave me with wounds
I gave you a second chance
As expected you're trouble, trouble, trouble
You've targeted me. You shoot, shoot, shoot.
I laugh, laugh, laugh
You've fallen deep into another women's trap
Enough of your excuses, you still haven't come to your senses
With that attitude you won't be able to meet a nice woman
Eternally you won't, won't, won't
Don't misunderstand
You're not cupid
Because of you, my heart wears armor
Now I’ll fight back
Your arrows are trouble, trouble, trouble.
You've targeted me. You shoot, shoot, shoot.
I laugh, laugh, laugh
Your words, full of poison, leave me with wounds
I gave you a second chance
As expected you're trouble, trouble, trouble
You've targeted me. You shoot, shoot, shoot.
I laugh, laugh, laugh
To float in water, you gotta sink
In the circles i've made, you're an angle
There you go again, answering a question that I haven't even asked
But unlike you, I won't shoot arrows

Sunday, December 5, 2010

hari yang ceria+penat....

penat2...ngantok lg.tapi masih sempat singgah kt blog ni kn..huhu..nana..nana...sambil2 melayan STAR KING yg gile2 ni,amik mase skit la ek nk coret2 skit dlm blog ni..lme x singgah kot.. :p

hari ni sehari suntuk kemas bilik..mg make over abis la..habis semua posisi brg tukar..penat jgn ckp la..tak terhingga..hehe..tapi seronok gak.sekali sekala mengemas ramai2 macam ni..bkn selalu...puas la tgk bilik yg dh di make over..hehe..

lepas habis bertungkus lumus memenatkan diri kms rumah,pe salahnya sekali sekala memanjakn diri kn..pe lg tgk wayanag!!! hehe...cte NGANGKONG..mmg kelakar gile..kpd sesiapa yg x tgk lg,bleh la serbu cinema 2 reramai ek..konpem ketawa gile2 pny..huhu...pecah perot gak la duduk dlm wayang 2...pasni ingt nk tgk JANIN lak..tp mst lg best kalo dpt tgk ngn mmbr K-11-12...KAK WA,ALIN,KUCEN,KAK SU N KAK FIZA....JOM LA TGK WAYANG SAME2 LAGI!!!! rindu gile kt korg... <3

Thursday, November 18, 2010

happy birthday to me...

hohoho...hari ini genaplah usiaku 22thn..huhu..bsr dh aku..hahaha..dh boleh kawen..hahaha..gile ko..duit pon tarak,nak kawen.. :p
hari ni seronok sgt sbb cm ramai yg wish..kepada mereka2 yg wish,terima kasih byk2..ingt gak korg..(padahal dh ade dlm facebook 2..haha..xksh la.janji dorg wish..hikhik)kepada anis,thnks sbb jd org 1st yg wish..haha..
sempena ulang tahun ku yg semakin bertambah ni,aku harap dpt jd better person in da future.dh bsr kn..kne la jd lbh baik kn. :p tapi sebenarnya tkt gak bile usia dh makin bertambah ni kan.ye la,tiap2 tahun kte akn jd makin tua,bkn makin muda.bile dh tua 2 maknenya umur makin singkat..bile makin singkat 2 maknenya hidup dh x lama lg..ermm..ilmu x byk lg ni.. :p xpe2.thn ni kne tambah ilmu di dada..hehe..


Wednesday, November 3, 2010



*always carries his mobile phone and wallet*
*like to get free makeup samples and never has an umbrella*
*plays piano very well and used to be quite chubby in school*
*had 1st kiss when he was 7!*
*love ice-cream and chocolate*
*sleep a lot and can sleep up to 18 hours a day!*
*love to write songs*
*4th heavy drinker amongst SuJu's member*
*love to watch WINNIE THE POOH*
*has a slight fear of hospital*
*he's the mother figure of the group*
*#1 fan of so nyoe si dae (girls generation)*
*donghae's favourite dongsaeng*
*had 5 ear piercings*
*there was once when Ryeowook and Sungmin went to Kangin's radio show.Everyone was chatting happily except for him.Sungmin felt it immediately and asked him "why are u so quiet?have u done something wrong?" he replied sadly thet he thought todays live was open to viewers so he style his hair,dressed and makeup but unfortunately today they are not going to open to allow viewers to see.When everyone heard that,they laughed so hard until they almost cried..*


Sunday, October 31, 2010

hari mingguku...

hari minggu menjelang lagi..tapi rase mcm kejap je..xpuas rasenye nak berlibur bersame keluarga..perancangan pada hari minggu yang lalu:

  • sabtu : wedding ika - lepak sambil snap2 picture ngan kawan2 yg sengal... :p
  • ahad : g mines - balik tdo... :p


tanggal 29hb Oktober 2010,berkahwin la seorang lagi rakanku..tapi macam sedikit sedih la sebab tak dapat pegi mase nikah die..kene keje.tapi melihatkan kepada gambar yang telah ditunjukkan kepada aku oleh sahabat2ku yang telah 'menyemakkan' diri di hari pernikahan ika, ika sangat CANTIK!!! tapi tak boleh nak upload gambar kat sini la.xde dlm enset.. :( lepas ni susah dah la nak hangout same2 lagi.org dh kawen.mestilah utamakan family dulu.ye x?? xpe la.aku doakan die bahagia smpai akhir hayat.n hope dorg dpt ramai baby yang comel2..dorg berdua dh sah2 comel..ank mst lg comel.hehe...

masa kenduri ika 2,mmg best sgt2.dpt jumpe semua kawan2.best gile.aku rase meja kitorang la yang paling bising skali.dh la bising,duduk kat c2 sampai majlis abis lak 2.hahaha..mmg muke x tau malu la.hehe...pas selesai majlis,aku,sya,aza n kak wani follow mile(photographer) g amik gambar pengantin,outdoor lak.sambil2 dorg amik gambar,aku pon join gak amik gmbr.konon2 model la..hahaha..tapi kt camera mmbr aku la.mmg best la view kt ptrjya 2.rse mcm aku lak yg tgh amik gambar kawen.haha...dh settle amik gmbr sume,Epul lak dtg bwk PIZZA!! mmg best gile la.org blnje,sume best. :p selesai memenuhkan perut,kami pon berangkat la ke ALAMANDA untuk BERKARAOKE..pon,org blanje..pastu,men boling lak..sekali lg org belanja.hahahaha...mmg hari belanja sedunia la hari tu. :p terima kasih Epul!!! len kali belanja lg ek..haha..dalam jam 1 pagi baru la aku "jumpe" jln balik rumah.hehe..pon,Epul gak yg hntr.hehe...terima kasih sekali lg. :p

hari ahad.hari untuk keluarga lak.tgh siap2 nk pegi,mak lak kuar.terpakse tggu sampai die balik.sementara menunggu 2,aku ngn LIYA memulakan sesi fotografi ktorg sendiri.mmg masing2 gila kalo jumpe kamera.hihi..


kalau dh bergambar,mmg x ingt dunia..hehe

selesai bergambar,aku pon gerak la ke Mines. :p ingt nk cr la barang skit.dh siap nak gerak,purse lak ilang.tertinggal dlm kete Epul.nsb baik Sya simpan.terpakse pegi Putra,amik balik.dh smpai Mines,x ingt dh nak beli apa.lastnye beli gelang kaki n kasut fiqa.aku pon beli la skit.tgk cincin 2 cm best je.aku grab la 1.haha...dh xtau nk cr pe,jln2 la tawaf 1 Mines tu.dh penat, balik la.singgah putra,mkn roti boom..setelah kekenyangan dan masing2 keletihan,balik la...tido... :p
topi ni cm cntk,tp kalo beli,bile mase lak nk pkai... :p
pika pelik lak tgk patung red indian 2..

Thursday, October 21, 2010

SS3 in Malaysia!!!

yeahaaa!!!!! SUPER JUNIOR nk dtg Malaysia lg!!! tanggal 26 march 2011,dtglah mereka ke bumi bertuah Malaysia ini..hehe..tdk sabar rasenye hati ini utk menyaksikn mereka2 itu beraksi..hehehe...cnfrm aku g..tp tiket lak x jual lg..kepada ZAHIRAH n MAISARAH,kalo nk ikut,cpt2 kumpul duit ko..nk tanggung korg dua org mmg bankrup la aku..hoho...
means,dh kene cr baju warne BIRU ni.hahaha..bapak ekseted!!! harus..wajib excited.kalo x..melepas lagi la jwbnye nk g konsert dorg..
kepada sape2 yg rase nk join,meh la..lg rmai lg meriah..kte book tiket yg dpn skali.leh menari same2 nnt..wakakaka..gilo la 2..tp siyes la.nk g sgt2..dh lame mengidam ni. :p standby cmra la cmni..mne tau tetibe dorg lalu dpn mate lak kn..haha..pastu tetibe lak dorg cam terasa nk bg no fon ke..wakakaka..bpk POYO ko nana!!! (sekali sekala nk berangan x slh kn... ;p)
k..kte tggu 26 MARCH 2011......!!!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

salam2 ya habibi....


hahaha...sdh berzaman tidak ku mengunjungi blog ku yg tidak seberapa ini..hahaha..xde story pon.nk tulis pe kn..bek x yh msk..hehehe...haa..skng story dh ade..sdp la skit kot nk cite...hari ini,genap 2 hari aku bekerja...hahahahahhaa...poyo gile.2 hari je kot baru..len la 2 thn..tp xpe..keje gak..haha...akhirnye dpt gak aku keje.stkt ni ok la keje aku..buat gaji..tp agak pening gak la..ye la.aku ni kosong lg..sekali bg,selambak ko..otak aku ni x lh cekap sgt..hehehe...nsb bek ade miera,leh la die tlg aku skit2.kalo x,mampos nk buat sorg..time blaja dulu xde lak aku blaja kire2 gaji org ni..mybe ade kot,aku x ingt.mybe time lecturer 2 ajar,aku tgh mkn kt blkg,2 yg x dgr..hahaha..nsb bek keje ni ade kaitan ngn ape aku blaja dlu.leh la nk kelentong sikit2.. :p xpe2..walaupon xtau pape,leh blaja kn..cume amik mase la skit.xpe2.aku sanggup tok blaja.haha...

ni cte sdey lak...cite "BREAD,LOVE AND DREAM" dh abis!!! warrgghhhh!!!! sedeynye..nsb bek dpt tgk ending die..mmg best gile la.ditambah lak dgn hero aku yg hensem 2..pergghh!! i lap u la SIYUN!!! :p sape x tgk cte ni mmg rugi.tp aku pon xtgk sgt dr awal...tp dr awal gak la aku tgk..hahaha..pe yg aku merepek ni daa...wutever la..yg pntg cte 2 mmg best.soundtrack die jgn cte la...lg la best!!! :p HOPE IS A DREAM THAT DOESNT SLEEP...en kyuhyun kuyup nyanyi..hahaha..mmg tangkap syahdu la. :p

errmmm..pe lg nk tulis ni?? dh la kot kn..xde pe lg kot at mse ni...ni nk tayang skit hero ensem syg aku ni.. :p


Thursday, July 15, 2010


orang kate,kalo bkn rezeki kte,redha je la..errmmm...petang tadi smpai umh.ingt nk tenangkan fikiran skit.otak ni tgh serabut..mcm2 masalah la..lepas satu,satu..skng ni,dtg lak mslh len..
aku rase smpai sini je kot perjalanan aku..kepada kwn2 yg len,trskn perjuangan ek..myb bukan rzeki aku skng ni kot..mane tau rezeki aku ade kt luar ni kn...
hurrmmm..sygnye nk tinggalkan org sume.tapi aku rase ni yg terbaik kot utk aku dan org2 yg sewaktu dengannya.. :') kalau boleh aku xnk jd cmni..tp aku dh xleh nk buat pape dh..sory sgt2..kalo ade rezeki,ade la..korg doakan aku ek.jgn lupe kat aku tau..walaupun ade antara kita yg br kenal,tp aku rase kite mcm dh lame knl.w'pon sekejap je kite rapat,tp aku akn ingt smpai bile2.. korg mmg best...
kepada ANIS...aku mtk maaf sgt2..ko jgn mrh aku psl ni tau..aku terpakse.. ko phm kn mslh aku.. pape nt aku update ko tau.. :p ni x brape cnfrm lg keputusannye..tp nk hampir2 cnfrm dh..hehehe...kite tggu dn lihat je ek.. :p

Sunday, July 11, 2010

super junior!!!

Asian most popular boy band!!! dh lame,tapi aku br je tau..kesian kn..hahaha...skng ni dh gile dh ngn dorg..dlm laptop sume video n lagu2 dorg je..haha...haa..tu la..dulu dok mengata org yg sk cite korea..skng aku sndr dh gle ngn korea..tp aku gile ngn band ni je..cerita2 dorg,x brape lyn sgt..kalo lyn pon, 1 2 je.. : mmg best la lagu2 dorg..time dorg menari,kaki aku pon gerak sama ni..wakakaka...jap2..aku ltk pic dorg sume ek.. :p















errmmm..ni la org2nye..yg first n last skali ni,yg plg2 aku minat..haha..tp x semua dorg ni ade lg..maksud aku,x join group ni lg..ade yg kuar.ade yg kte msk askar..n ade yg dh balik ngra sndr..papepon,dorg tetap best..so..meh la sme2 minat dorg ek.. :p